Visitors of Lowlands form a staggeringly large orchestra with their own smartphones.

Sunday, 21 August 2016 marked The Smartphone Orchestra's world premiere at renowned music festival Lowlands. Using their smartphones, thousands of Lowlands visitors collectively created a single, monumental work of music, composed especially for this occasion: a musical piece with every smartphone making its own unique contribution, thanks to sophisticated technology and an entirely new method of composition. The Smartphone Orchestra makes a powerful riposte to the criticism so frequently uttered against smartphone use today. However, thanks to the orchestra, instead of a group of individuals each staring at his own telephone the crowd came together to experience a unique moment of collectivity. Proof that modern technology can bring people closer together.

The Smartphone Orchestra has been made possible by the TimeSync technology from Ambassadors and financial support by Creative Industries Fund NL, Fonds 21 and the Performing Arts Fund NL.